- THE ” BACKBONE BRANDING ” COMPANY HOSTED STUDENTS FROM THE SENIOR GROUP OF “THE ART OF ILLUMINATING” MINIATURE STUDIO AT MATENADARANThe ” Backbone Branding ” company hosted students from the senior group of “The Art of Illuminating” miniature studio at Matenadaran. The young artists showcased their works to specialists, presented the materials for their upcoming exhibition—advertising posters and invitation card samples—and received valuable professional advice.
- DIRECTOR ARA KHZMALYAN PRESENTED THE 2024 ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF MATENADARANThe report highlighted the achievements in academic, scientific-technical, and entrepreneurial activities, the structure’s international positioning across various areas, and efforts to internationalize scientific results. Officials from different departments of Matenadaran also spoke, discussing the reforms implemented in the past year and emphasizing the importance of continuing these reforms. Director Khzmalyan particularly noted the outcomes of
- LECTURE AT THE MATENADARANOn December 17, Dr Shamil Shikhaliev, a researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, lectured in Matenadaran on “Statistical analysis of genres and Paleography of Dagestan manuscripts.”
- A DELEGATION FROM PETER PAZMANY CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST VISITED MATENADARAN, COMPRISED OF UNIVERSITY VICE-CHANCELLOR KRISZTIÁN SZABÓ, HEAD OF THE INSTITUTE OF HISTORY SÁNDOR ÖZE, AND HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ARMENIAN STUDIES BÁLINT KOVÁCSDuring the visit, Ara Khzmalyan, the director of Matenadaran, presented the outcomes of the International Congress of Armenian Studies held at Matenadaran in July 2024. The discussions focused on the prospects for cooperation between the two institutions, including opportunities for exchanging specialists, joint research projects, and the potential for Matenadaran students to conduct scientific internships.
- A PRESENTATION HIGHLIGHTING A PROGRAM AIMED AT RESTORING AND PROMOTING THE WRITTEN HERITAGE OF NAGORNO-KARABAKH WAS HELD AT THE MESROP MASHTOTS RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS. THIS EVENT RECEIVED SUPPORT FROM THE AMERICAN AMBASSADOR’S FUND FOR THE PROTECTION OF CULTURAL VALUESThe U.S. Ambassador’s Fund has allocated $74,000 to Matenadaran for the restoration and dissemination of manuscript records originating in Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as unique documents related to its rich history. As part of this project, manuscripts and archival documents created between the 13th and 18th centuries in various Armenian medieval monasteries—such as Gandzasar, Dadivank, Gndevank,
- ARMINE MELKONYAN, SENIOR RESEARCHER OF THE MATENADARAN PARTICIPATED IN THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP “MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS ACROSS EURASIA”, ORGANISED BY THE AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, THE UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA AND THE AUSTRIAN NATIONAL LIBRARYShe presented a paper entitled “From the 5th to the 21st Century: matenadarans and the Matenadaran Repositories of Armenian Manuscripts” and took part in a round table discussion on the topic “Eurasian Manuscript Heritage: Values, Challenges, Perspectives”. The participants were given a guided tour of the State Hall of the Austrian National Library, and visited
- THE WORKS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDIEVAL STUDIES HELD AT MATENADARAN HAVE BEEN SUMMARIZEDApproximately three dozen researchers from various educational institutions in Armenia and abroad (including Romania, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Israel, and France) presented their work during the three-day conference. The reports covered different topics in medieval studies, including manuscript studies, source studies, philology, art history, and historiography. Some presentations highlighted the importance of digital humanities within
- THE DIRECTORS OF THE MATENADARAN, THE NATIONAL LIBRARY AND THE MUSEUM OF LITERATURE AND ART MET WITH THE HEADS OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF FRANCE AND THE NATIONAL SCHOOL OF CHARTERS (ÉCOLE NATIONALE DES CHARTES)During the meeting, specific areas for joint research were identified. The discussion focused on the study of Armenian and French materials available in both book and archive collections, the training of specialists for archival work, and the strengthening of connections in the field of digital humanities. Ara Khzmalyan, the Director of Matenadaran, invited restorers from