Hrayr Baze Khacherian (Hawk) is a promised photographer, who travelled over the world and was in about 45 countries, discovered and through his camera immortalized everything about Armenians and Armenian country.

On February 11 at Mashtots Matenadaran took place 11th album’s Armenian presentation of Canadian photographer of Armenian origin Hrayr Baze. It is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide and is being entitled as “100 (1915-2015)”. This publication is one of the certificates of Armenian people’s cultural demand. The author mentioned that he had a goal to present this album as a winner and not as from the aspect of succumbed people, therefore, it isn’t random, that before book presentation at Matenadaran the author did the same in Artsakh.
The album/research (517 pages) is a result of author’s laborious task through 17 years. In this album are summarized annotations and photos of architectural monuments, handmade works, manuscripts and monastery estate of Western Armenia and Cilician Armenia, and also are included exclusive samples from different countries of the world. Hrayr Baze approached to the album’s book-cover works with meticulous manner: the red color of the book-cover symbolizes the blood of innocent sacrifices of Genocide; on every page is pictured today’s map of Turkey, in which is marked the sacred place by red point accompanied by GPS coordinates.
The album has been published in 2500 examples, in three languages and has a goal to promote the popularization of Armenian spiritual and material heritage.